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Clinical supervision with Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) 

Clinical supervision with
Integrative Family and Systems Treatment 
(I-FAST) 2021


Equip caseworkers with the basic knowledge and application of I-FAST (Integrative family and systems treatment) in casework assessment, conceptualization and formulation of intervention plan.


Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I‐FAST) is a treatment model that is developed to work with various families with different natures of problems. I‐FAST is developed as an evidence‐based ‘strength based common factors approach’ which addresses practice realities of social service agencies, embraces social workers’ existing expertise and empowers the development of expertise at the agency level. Building on evidence based literature regarding effective treatments, I‐FAST identifies three core treatment components that can be integrated into a coherent treatment protocol for working with children, adolescents, addiction and families at risk.


Theoretical framework:

Integration of the following philosophies and perspectives: 
1. Strength based theory
2. Family and systemic theories
3. Social construction theory



Core Treatment Components:

  • Developing therapeutic alliance

  • Creating beneficial shift in family patterns of interaction

  • Systems collaboration: working with other involved systems


Training Content:

1. Case discussion on conceptualization of case and formulation of intervention by I-FAST.

    A template (road  map) of I-FAST will be applied.

2. Role play on application of micro questioning skills.

3. At least one case presentation by each participant is required


Language: Cantonese supplemented with English


Target: Social worker, counselor, teacher, pastor, nurse and other helping professional


楊錦珠女士 Ms. Constance YEUNG

香港大學哲學碩士 (社會工作)
認可Triple P®小組導師 
MBTI® 認證施測師 
T-JTA ®輔導員 
Caritas Certified I-FAST Supervisor


自畢業於香港理工大學社工文憑及學位課程以來,楊錦珠一直從事家庭及婚姻輔導工作; 並前往加拿大麥基爾(McGill University)完成社工碩士,主修家庭治療(Family Therapy) 及精要治療(Solution Focused Therapy),其後於香港大學社工系進修多個由家庭治療師李維榕博士教授的家庭治療督導及進程小組研習課程,更於香港大學社工系完成有關輔導工作的碩士論文。 楊女士自工作以來於多間家庭服務中心擔任前線及督導工作,除家庭輔導工作外,其他工作範圍包括中學學生輔導、家庭生活教育及多類型小組工作,包括父母之道、夫婦相處 及壓力處理等。


楊女士多年從事有關輔導理論及技巧的訓練工作,曾兼任明愛專上學院社會科學系社會工作高級文憑及學位課程講師及實習導師,為社工機構、老師及前線社工提供多項輔導理論和技巧的訓練,並於2015年取得認可Caritas Certified I-FAST(Integrative Family and Systems Treatment) Supervisor 的資格。  楊女士現職明愛家庭服務臨床督導及明愛全人發展培訓中心高級培訓及輔導顧問,曾任「明愛家庭服務婚姻治療專業發展小組」召集人,專長於家庭及婚姻輔導及有關技巧培訓工作。 


  1.  ‘Depression as a Family Projection Process – a literature review’ (McGill University, 1991)

  2.  ‘School Social Work Service in Hong Kong’ (Presented at International Conference on School Social Work Services, Korea,1996)

  3.  ‘A Study on How to Engage Men in Marital Counseling in Hong Kong – Case Study (University of Hong Kong 2002)

  4. 與朱昌熙博士合著 “從副學士課程看教育如何為青年創造機會” 內地、香港、澳門青年研究圓桌會議 - (2007),香港中文大學社會工作學系/中國青少年研究會合辦, 國際社會學會青年社會研究委員會協辦



  1. Caritas Family Service (2001), Unveiling Family Strengths – Multifarious  Counselling Practices. Published by Caritas Family Service.

  2. 明愛家庭服務婚姻治療專家小組(2002) 「情緣渡-婚姻治療的實踐與反思」  香港明愛家庭服務

  3. 明愛家庭服務婚姻治療專業發展小組(2014) 「情緣渡-婚姻治療督導篇 」   香港明愛家庭服務

  4. 明愛家庭服務「婚姻治療專業發展小組」及黃麗彰合著 (2018) 「情緣渡-婚姻治療經驗為本輔導法 」  超媒體出版

  5. Caritas Family Service (2020) Quick Reference in Working with Families during Divorce – Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) (Published by Caritas Family Service)

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