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A two-days training workshop on Integrating  Approach to Couple Work 

A two-days training workshop on Integrating Approach in Couple Work

Aims of the workshop:
It is commonly agreed that doing couple counselling is difficult for young professionals, even experienced ones. Couples come to therapy because they cannot talk to one another. There are many issues unfold in sessions with their different histories, psychologies, and copings. It is further loaded with challenging topics from concrete ones such as money, sex, and parenting to abstract ones on love, power or autonomy that quest for regulation and attunement. All these demands the therapist to juggle the balance in keeping the couple to engage and in the working of their problems so that they can differentiate and step up to grow in relationship.

This is the aim of this workshop on guiding therapist how to integrate the concept of person-centered approach in actively seeking to understand and to accept the clients’ presence; and the gestalt relational perspective in understanding client’s contact-making in their intimate relationship regarding their self-process. It may help participants to understand the client in wider perspectives regarding their suffering human nature that tackle their impasses and to open more course for change in the relationship. 


Content of the workshop:

  1. The most common problems that therapist face with couple clients;

  2. The concept of self-psychology in the couple therapy;

  3. The role and function of a relational therapist /Core conditions of Person-centered approach;

  4. Awareness and sensitivity of the relational field in/out the therapy ;

  5. How to deal with emotional reactivity and practice of non-defensiveness;

  6. How to facilitate quality contact between the couple in adjusting to each other.


Format of the workshop:

Lecture, experiential exercise, case discussion


Mainly Cantonese supplemented by English

Course Code: PT-250305

Date: 18/3 & 25/3/2025 (Tue)

Time: 10:00am to 5:00pm

Venue:      9/F, No.9, Shing Mun Road, Tsuen Wan
Target:     Social Workers, Counselor, Therapist, 

Fee:   2 persons enrolling together or Caritas Staff︰$2,000/each

          Early bird fee:$2,200 (On or before 25/2/2025)

          Original Fee:$2,400  



黃秀薇女士 Ms Annetta WONG

Senior Counselling and Training Consultant

Gestalt Supervisor, Istituto di Gestalt H.C.C. Italy

Accredited Gestalt Therapy Practitioner

Brief Therapist

PgD in Family-centred Social Work (HKPU)

Prepare Enrich Certified Counselor

Triple-P® Accredited Group Facilitator


黃女士自九五年起加入香港明愛精要治療小組,也曾跟隨Ms Insoo Kim Berg, Dr. Scott Miller等大師學習,她亦是明愛家庭服務出版的書籍《尋解導向治療 – 進深篇》的作者之一。黃女士由一九九七年至二零零零年跟隨完形治療大師Paula Bottome進修並受認證成為圓融治療師。於二零零二年修畢香港大學防止自殺研究中心由Dr. John Banmen教授的預防自殺及治療課程。


Ms Wong is the senior training and counselling consultant in HEAT, Caritas Family Service. She was the Chief Training and Counseling Consultant in the same project from 2004 to 2016. She had worked as family caseworker, school social worker since her career in Caritas Family Service since 1991. 

Ms Wong has extensive clinical experience in counseling especially in marital issues, family relationship work and crisis prevention work. She provides training and clinical supervision on marital issues to social workers in Caritas Family Service and in the field since 2013. She has been invited as guest lecturer in topic of crisis intervention work and family counselling to social work students in university. 

Ms Wong graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1989. Ms. Wong received her Post-graduate Diploma in Family-centred Social Work in 1995 and Master of Social Work in 2012 awarded with Dean’s List. Ms Wong joined the Brief Therapists’ Team in the agency in mid 90’s. She had received extensive training by renowned international trainers on Solution-focused Brief Therapy and system therapy such as Ms Insoo Kim Berg, Dr. Scott Miller and Ms Lee Mo Yee and case supervision by local academics such as Dr. Ho Wui Shing, Dr. Chu Chi Keung and Dr. Yeung Ka Ching. 

Ms Wong also received her gestalt therapy trainings from Paula Bottome from 1997 to 2000 and was accredited of therapy practitioner. In 2002, she attended the one-year certificate training program by Dr. John Banmen on Suicide Prevention and Treatment by Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of University of Hong Kong. She has been learning and adapting different counselling theories in practice but mostly on the existential and experiential approach. Since 2017 onwards, Ms Wong follows Dr Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb in international trainings on Relational Gestalt therapy and accredited as Gestalt Supervisor in 2019. 

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